Sunday, December 15, 2013


Remember seven degrees of Kevin Bacon?  Today I discovered I'm three degrees from the Nazi inner circle, four from Hitler, thanks to an acquaintance with an interesting family history.  I can't say who, but kind of freaky...freaky in the interesting kind of way.  Incidentally, I'm also three degrees from Kevin Bacon and two degrees from President John F. Kennedy.  Small world.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

(Re)Building PDX

Fabulous new Federal building in downtown portland.  A nondescript '74 special was stripped down to the proverbial studs, or in this case the steel framing and concrete floor plates, and reassembled all bionic man style.  Love how the GSA likes to push the architectural envelope in their projects around the country.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Usual Suspect

Got rounded up today.  Happened to walk past an unnamed police department with a long-lensed camera in hand.  Hopped in my car and got pulled over three blocks later.  Lights, big guns, and all. No big deal, they were just worried I might be a terrorist on stakeout.  Only to my cat, but that's another story.  I'm mostly harmless.  No, really.

What happened is that I bought a new computer AND discovered the joy of RAW images.  The two combined have resulted in a second attempt at Project 365 and codependency with my Canon Rebel XS.  One photo a day. For a year.  Some are going to suck, but a great exercise in discipline and forced creativity.  Or so they say.  I'm expecting a few days of desperation with close ups of my belly button at midnight.   Should you wish to follow, my flickr feed is here

Monday, September 3, 2012

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Friday Redux

Thanks to a truncated work week I can now join the ranks of the seemingly idle. For years I've wondered who are these people who hang out in coffee shops on random weekdays, seemingly educated and employable but far from any office or workstation. As it turns out, they are me. 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Death With Dignity

The good old days, when people could die with some originality.